'There’s an enviable gusto and assurance about this debut, the confident voicing of a distinctive sensibility that deserves our attention.' Martin Malone
'“In his debut collection, Charles G. Lauder is not afraid to delve beneath the surface of white masculinites, unearthing violence and toughness but vulnerability and tenderness also.' Pam Thompson
'The Aesthetics of Breath is NOT a breath of fresh air – it is a deep breathing-in of a gas called "history", so that it hurts in the lungs. Be they personal myths or legends of entire nations’ violence, here the vapours of various histories sublimate into Lauder’s vivid solidifications – poems that render the distance and otherness of places and times as touchable and smelt.' Mark Goodwin
'"Incarnations" strikes me as a terrific poem, turning personal experience into something universal in the way that poems should do, but so often don't.' Sheenagh Pugh
'History blends with family in this engaging and impressive debut collection by Charles G. Lauder.' Daniel Bennett
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